Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Can Germ Line Gene Therapy Cure - 1703 Words
Title: Can Germ-Line Gene Therapy’s Cure Shwachman Diamond Syndrome? Author: Tori Williams University Address: 223 James P Brawley Dr. SW Atlanta, Ga 30314 Date: April 12th, 2016 Molecular Location of SBDS gene on chromosome 7 Abstract: Shwachman Diamond Syndrome is a genetic condition that can affect the bone marrow, pancreas, and skeletal system. When the bone marrow is affected the natural function of producing new blood cells which is not working properly and cannot produce different white blood cells. People who have this disease make them more accessible to bodily infections which can affect bodily movements as well. According to extensive research there is a mutation on the SBDS gene that coincides with Shwachman Diamond Syndrome. Gene Therapy is an important experimental procedure in which genes are used to treat or prevent certain diseases. Doctors believe that this procedure will allow the insertion of genes to prevent disease. This gene technique can assist in preventing Shwachman Diamond Syndrome with the SBDS gene that has been identified as a mutation. This particular gene makes a protein that has an unknown function, but is active in building ribosomes. While researching this disease the importance to mankind is to prevent the amount of people affected and to be proactive in utilizing gene therapy to attack the disease from the source. Introduction: Shwachman Diamond Syndrome is an autosomalShow MoreRelatedThe Pros and Cons of Gene Therapy Gene therapy is a very controversial topic that has been700 Words  | 3 Pagesand Cons of Gene Therapy Gene therapy is a very controversial topic that has been discussed in the last five years and is being heavily studied to help cure cancer. Gene therapy is a technique aimed at treating genetic disorders by introducing the correct form of the defective gene into the patient’s genome (Dunlop et al., 2010). There are two main groups of gene therapy and they are germ line gene therapy and somatic gene therapy (Baksh, 2007). Germ line therapy consists of germ cells being modifiedRead MoreEssay on A Look at Gene Therapy1264 Words  | 6 PagesWould you consider altering your DNA if it could save your life? Scientist have been working on gene therapy since the 1970s, this biotechnological form of medicine is the attempt to medically modify cells to help eliminate or prevent diseases by correcting defective genes. Imagine the possibilities of having your DNA tested for heritable diseases and being able to eliminate such diseases from your future. From 1990-2003 the Department of Energy coordinated a project called the Human Genome ProjectRead MoreEssay about The Ethical Controversy of Gene Therapy 1590 Words  | 7 Pages Gene therapy is a technique that uses genes to treat or prevent diseases. It is the process of taking DNA from one organism and inserting it to another. No development in the field of biotechnology has inspired both greater fear and hope in human society than gene therapy. Here is the big question among the people. While this new advancement in gene therapy promotes new hopes to cure life-threatening diseases or help the amputee or physically disabled persons to lead life like a normal humanRead MoreThe Risks of Gene Therapy Essay921 Words  | 4 PagesGenes are made of DNA – the code of life. Everyone inherits genes from their parents and passes them to their children. (Gene Therapy- The Great Debate!) The changes in genes may cause serious problems, which we called genetic disorder. Scient ists have currently identified more than 4000 different genetic disorders. The most typical gene disorders include Severe Combined Immune Deficiency (ADA-SCID) and Chronic Granulomatus Disorder (CGD), hemophilia, etc. In theory, the only method to cure geneticRead MoreDna Essay999 Words  | 4 Pagesroom for error. When errors occur in the DNA strand, it is called a mutation. A mutation is the changing of the structure of a gene. This results in a variant form that may be transferred on to upcoming generations, caused by the alteration of single base units in DNA, or the deletion, insertion, or rearrangement of larger sections of genes or chromosomes. A mutation can change an organism’s life in many aspects whether the change be good or bad. DNA is a structure that is relatively simple. ItRead MoreGene Therapy And Delivery Methods1245 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction: Each human body consists of net numbers of genes in which half of genes are defective in nature. We do not suffer any injurious effects from that defective genes as we carry two copies of DNA that carries two copies of the specific gene present in somatic cells. The gene which is likely to be harmful is recessive gene so if we inherit two copies of recessive gene from our parent, then disease will occur ( Carroll, 2011).Now days every year noticeable children are born with geneticRead MoreThe Future Of Unregulated Germ Line Gene Therapy1373 Words  | 6 Pagesback from your procedure to alter your genes for brown hair and green eyes because you didn t want to pass them on to your child. Everyone is saying that having brown hair and green eyes is unattractive now and they re unwanted traits for future generations. Three months later the â€Å"fad†changes and people begin to think that having green eyes won t be so bad after all and that they re actually unique. Now you re left with passing on the Version 1.0 gene pool to your children while everyone elseRead More Gene Therapy Essay4691 Words  | 19 PagesGene Therapy Gene therapy is a powerful new technology that has the ability to change the way medicine is practiced in the future. The potential of gene therapy offers great hope for cure and alleviation of suffering from genetic disorders that now plague numerous people. Within this past decade, much research has been conducted to learn about the aspects of gene therapy, but there is still much to learn before it is an effective medical treatment. Despite failures to prove any clinical efficacyRead MoreThe Beauty Of The Human Race Essay2180 Words  | 9 Pagesof years of evolutionary mutations. The number one cause of genetic diversity is mutations; mutations occur randomly and can produce beneficial or harmful nucleotide sequences. Nucleotide sequences code for the production of proteins that perform the majority of roles in our bodies. When harmful mutations halt protein production or cause malicious protein production, the body can be effected in numerous ways. The majority of disorders ex pressed by humans across the globe are genetic, meaning that theRead More Gene Therapy : Ethics, Progress, and Future Essay3339 Words  | 14 PagesThe Factor of Gene Therapy: the Ethics, Progress, and Future Abstract Erasing genetic diseases from the human race has been a vital role in science. However, there is a point where the moral standards have interrupted the advancement of curing genetic diseases. One of the many sciences that have the ability to completely wipe out the future of any genetic diseases, gene therapy, is being stifled due to the infliction of morals. There is a fine line in what is inhumane and moral to the standards
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Juveniles - 1016 Words
In our society today, millions of crimes are happening all around the world, with people dying, getting injured, and getting put in jail. Society is very cruel in some people’s eye, because of what happening in the world many people believed that many juveniles are being sentenced and tried unfairly in the court. Many believed that children as young as twelve should be treated differently than an adult who commit the same crime, but that’s not what’s happening today. Young children are not the same as an adult in many ways, so they should not be put in jail for life if they commit a crime. Nobody really deserve to be put into a jail for the rest of their life, especially a young kid. It is injustice to sentenced juveniles, who committed†¦show more content†¦As a result they would most likely be more violent than their old self. But if they are to put in juvenile facility and rehabilitation they will most likely learn from what they did and become a bette r version of themselves. It is not fair for a young children to be tried/convicted as an adult. Another important thing that is important when talking about juvenile crimes is about sentencing juveniles to life in prison. It is unfair for a young kid to suffer such a cruel punishment not knowing what they been to and what their reasons are for committing murder or some other crimes. We all need to look at every possible ways to help and find out why young kids commit crimes then based on that information should be a fair punishment. â€Å"What is clear from the research is that part of the frontal lobes that inhibit reckless actions restructure themselves with startling speed in the teen years. Given this delicate and drastic reshaping of the brain teens need all the help they can get to steer their development on the right path†(Thompson). According to the quote from the text, with many things going on and reshaping in teenage brain can result to many teenagers’s re ckless decisions. This is one reason why the Nation should not considered sentencing juveniles a lifetime in prison. Even everything that’s going on with teenage brain it doesn’t not remove their accountability for committing the crime, but it can be â€Å"used as an evidence that teenagersShow MoreRelatedJuveniles Tried In an Adult Court Essay1300 Words  | 6 Pagesthis country is divided into two groups when comparing juveniles and adults. One is the Adult Criminal Justice System, and the other is the Juvenile Justice System. The terminology can be very different between the two systems. For instance; if an adult is arrested, they will be subject to a bail hearing. If a juvenile is arrested they must go through a detention hearing. Adults have trials which can be decided by a judge or jury. Juveniles go through a fact finding hearing and don’t receive verdictsRead More French and American Criminal Justice Systems Essay1169 Words  | 5 Pagessimil arities, but I will be focusing on the differences between each of their systems. The aspects that I will be comparing are police, courts, the legal profession, legal education, criminal procedural law, corrections, and juvenile justice and the advantages and disadvantages of each. The policing system in France is a lot different than the one in the U.S. In France there is one big centralized police system run by the government. Unlike the fragmented police model, which is found in the UnitedRead MoreComparing France and Us Criminal Justice System Essay1190 Words  | 5 Pagessimilarities, but I will be focusing on the differences between each of their systems. The aspects that I will be comparing are police, courts, the legal profession, legal education, criminal procedural law, corrections, and juvenile justice and the advantages and disadvantages of each. The policing system in France is a lot different than the one in the U.S. In France there is one big centralized police system run by the government. Unlike the fragmented police model, which is found in the UnitedRead MoreEssay On Juveniles Should Be Tried As Adults949 Words  | 4 PagesKeigen S. Daniels Juvenile Delinquency October 20, 2017 Should Juveniles be Tried as Adults? Should juveniles be tried as adults? In some cases, I believe so. I believe they should be tried as adults if the murder someone. Other crimes they should be tried by the juvenile justice system. When deciding whether or not to try a juvenile as an adult for a particular crime, you need to know everything. Whether or not they have a psychological disadvantage, how they were raisedRead MoreJuvenile Court Essay1138 Words  | 5 PagesThe first juvenile court was established in Illinois in 1899. In the late 18th century children as young as seven could stand trial in criminal court and could be sentenced to prison or death. The perception of children was later changed and they were viewed as persons with undeveloped moral and cognitive capacities. This allowed the state of Illinois to intervene in the lives of children providing protection and care or supervision. The mission to help children in trouble was clearly stated in theRead MoreFederalism Is The Power Divided Between The Sta te And National Government1502 Words  | 7 Pagescomes to states making laws. Laws such as how old you need to be to be tried as an adult are decided by the state and some feel that it something as important as that law should be decided nationally, not by the state. Laws as important as when juveniles should be charged as adults are brought into question during cases like the Slender Man stabbing case. The Slender Man stabbing case is a crime that happened back in 2014 when two twelve year old girls tried to kill their classmate, Payton LeutnerRead MoreReducing Recidivism Rate Of Juvenile Offenders1241 Words  | 5 PagesReducing Juvenile Recidivism Jessica D. Pettit The University of Texas at Tyler Abstract This paper explores the factors that contribute to the recidivism rate of juvenile offenders. Recidivism refers to a person s relapse into criminal behavior, often after the person receives sanctions or undergoes intervention for a previous crime. It explains the advantages and disadvantages that intervention programs, extracurricular activities, education and home and family life have on juvenile offendersRead MoreFetal Alcohol Disorder Research Paper1227 Words  | 5 Pagesentering and being taken advantage of by the criminal justice system. FASD results in permanent physical damage to a variety of critical structures in the brain during fetal development, directly affecting neurological and behavioural tendencies in adolescents (Brown et al., 2015). Specifically, FASD may affect the development of the corpus callosum, a structure directly responsible for communication between the left and right brain hemispheres (Brown et al., 2015). A juvenile with damage to this structureRead MoreCriminal Crime : A Crime, Assault, Burglary, And Assault1476 Words  | 6 Pagesburglary, and attack†(Legal Dictionary). According to the Uniform Crime Report, property crime is number one of the crimes committed by persons under the age of 18. Property crime is also high in numbers for children age 15 and under. Although juveniles arrested for violent crimes have decreased from 2013 to 2014 by 3.8 percent, these crimes are still being committed (Uniform Crime Report, 2014). It is of society’s declaration that any individual who perpetrates a felony crime needs to be arraignedRead MoreThe Causes Of Juvenile Delinquency1172 Words  | 5 Pages Juvenile delinquents are children/adolescents that are between the ages of 10 and 18 and have committed any illegal act that violates the law. These acts arent usually referred to as â€Å"crimes†as they would be for adults. These â€Å"crimes†are committed by minors and are called â€Å"delinquent acts.†These delinquent acts are believed to be caused by a number of factors that include the minors brain development, environment and social interactions. Peer groups are a very strong influence that can cause
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Confirmation free essay sample
From the moment I was literally immersed into the Catholic faith, I have been growing closer to my community, family, and myself. Although my baptism was a decision I was unable to make for myself, I did choose to confirm my dedication to the Catholic Church as an adolescent. Aside from selecting my daily ensembles, my confirmation was my first big commitment; a decision that was mine soley, and completely. Since I was three years old, I had been attending Christian school. Day in and day out, I spent eight painfully long years through elementary and intermediate school, with the girls and boys of my parish. By the time I had reached the spring of my confirmation, I viewed these people as my family. It was a silent recognition between all of us that we were going to go through this experience together, just as we had spent our entire lives. We will write a custom essay sample on Confirmation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I can honestly say that this is the biggest sense of community I had felt in my whole life, which actually factored greatly into my decision making process. I never realized how much planning and consideration goes into confirmation. I spent well over a year taking religious education classes, and then there was also a required retreat for me to go on. All in all though, I know it made me a better person. I am proud of the steps I’ve taken to becoming more mature and responsible in my life choices.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Tragic Hero of Sophocles Antigone Antigone es Essay Example For Students
The Tragic Hero of Sophocles Antigone Antigone es Essay says The Tragic Hero of Antigone In Sophocles Antigone, the question of who the tragic hero actually is has been the subject of a debate for years. It is unlikely for there to be two tragic characters in a Greek tragedy, and there can be only one in the play Antigone. The king Creon possesses some of the qualities that constitute a tragic character, but does not have all of the necessary traits. Antigone, however, contains all of the aspects that are required for her to be the main character. According to Aristotles Poetics, there are four major traits, which are required of the tragic character. We will write a custom essay on The Tragic Hero of Sophocles Antigone Antigone es specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The character must be a good and upstanding person. The character must focus on becoming a better person, must be believable, and must be consistent in his or her behavior. Due to the fact that Antigone represents these four character guidelines, as well as several other protagonist traits, she can definitely be defined as the tragic hero. In order for Antigone to be the tragic character, she first must be a good and upstanding person. Antigone is indeed a good-hearted person and has committed no crime up to her decision to give her brother, Polynieces, a proper burial. There is no doubt that Antigone is upstanding and a person of importance in Thebes. She was scheduled to marry Haemon, the son of Creon, and was considered a princess. Aristotle stated that the aspect of a good person was first and most important when creating a tragic character. The fact that Antigone is a woman makes no difference, because Aristotle expressly said, Even a woman may be good.though the woman may be said to be an inferior being. Aristotles second rule for determining a tragic character is that the person must aim at propriety. The character must work towards becoming a better person. Antigone illustrates this second guideline by her effort to clear her conscious and bring honor to her family by giving Polynieces a decent burial. By taking this responsibility, and by denying Ismenes involvement in her crime, Antigone shows that she has acquired a greater courage within herself than she had possessed before. In no way does Creon comply with Aristotles second guideline. Throughout the play, he does not allow himself to see the point of view from other people, such as when Haemon tries to reason with him, and he neglects the blind prophet, Tiresias, when he warns Creon of his actions. The last two expectations of a tragic character are intertwined. According to Aristotle, the character must be true to life and be consistent in behavior and actions. He states that these two areas are a distinct thing from goodness and propriety. Following these two guidelines, Antigone is a believable person with realistic thoughts and emotions. She is also very consistent in her behavior, and does not demonstrate a dynamic personality. Throughout the entire play, Antigone stands by her beliefs and keeps her attitude constant. Besides the four major outlining rules regarding the tragic character in a Greek drama, Aristotle states several other guidelines that the protagonist should adhere to. Arguably the most important of these is the aspect of hamartia, the characters fatal flaw, which brings about his or her downfall. Antigones flaw was her headstrong behavior and her stubbornness, which ultimately brought about her demise and the demise of those around her. Her stubbornness of course, is what forces Antigone to rashly take matters in to her own hands, and take the body of Polynieces. She did not realize until she was about to die, that she had possibly acted foolishly. Antigone shared her flaw with Creon, who seemed to have an even more obstinate personality. It can be argued that it was Creons stubbornness that brought about the demise of his family, but this cannot justify Creon as the tragic character because he does not meet other necessary requirements. .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374 , .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374 .postImageUrl , .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374 , .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374:hover , .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374:visited , .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374:active { border:0!important; } .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374:active , .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374 .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Memory System Problemsy EssayTo bring up the last point that defines Antigone as the true tragic character in Sophocles play, the protagonist must face a conflict in principles, and must rely on his self in order to solve the conflict. At the beginning of the play, Antigone immediately faces a problem; she must decide whether or not her morals are worth risking her life for. She is forced to decide between honoring the gods and her family or displaying loyalty to the state. The entire play is centered around this conflict between morals and Antigones final decision. A very confusing aspect of Sophocles play, Antigone, is discovering .
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on TQM
BABY-STEPS TO TQM THESIS: â€Å"THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN DEVELOPEDTO OFFER AN EASY TO READ AND UNDERSTAND, STEP BY STEP PROCESS ON THE IMPLIMENTATION AND CONTROL OF TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT ON A NEW FOUND FLURISSING HOSPITALITY BUSINESS. SPECIFICALLY RESTAURANT AND NIGHT LIFE†PRELIMINARY OUTLINE 1-HISTORY OF TQM - HISTORY OF TQM - DEFENITION OF TQM - CHARACTERISTICS OF TQM - BASIC THEORIES OF TQM - INNOVATIONS 2-ADVANTAGES VS. DISADVANTAGES - BASIC PROCEDURS - GUIDELINES - ADVANTAGES - DISATVANTAGES - APPLICABILITY ON HOSPITALITY FIELDS - QUALITY CONTROLE - PERFORMANCE MESURMENTS 3-IMPLIMENTATION TO BUSINESS â€Å"X†Quality As A Strategy In the 1980’s, Motorola was losing market share to the Japanese competition in their core product lines-semi-conductors, cellular phones, and pagers. Later, Motorola executives realized that this loss was due to the Japanese producing similar products but with better quality and lower prices. The Motorola executives always believed that producing better quality requires high costs, but the Japanese were proving this theory wrong. Bob Galvin, the chairman of Motorola was determined to beat the Japanese, and to do so he had to improve the quality of his company’s products and often lower prices. For that reason, he initiated the Total Quality Management program in 1983. The result of this program was a drop in deficit rates from 6 per thousand in 1986 to 40 per million by the end of 1991. The same program helped the corporate finance department to close its books in 4 days instead of 12, and service centers have cut their repair time from 12 days to 7. Also as a result of this program, new products are brought to market quicker. In 1988, Motorola won the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, and in addition, the results have also been spectacular. At the end, Motorola has regained its market share and at the same time increased its profits. The Hist... Free Essays on Tqm Free Essays on Tqm BABY-STEPS TO TQM THESIS: â€Å"THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN DEVELOPEDTO OFFER AN EASY TO READ AND UNDERSTAND, STEP BY STEP PROCESS ON THE IMPLIMENTATION AND CONTROL OF TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT ON A NEW FOUND FLURISSING HOSPITALITY BUSINESS. SPECIFICALLY RESTAURANT AND NIGHT LIFE†PRELIMINARY OUTLINE 1-HISTORY OF TQM - HISTORY OF TQM - DEFENITION OF TQM - CHARACTERISTICS OF TQM - BASIC THEORIES OF TQM - INNOVATIONS 2-ADVANTAGES VS. DISADVANTAGES - BASIC PROCEDURS - GUIDELINES - ADVANTAGES - DISATVANTAGES - APPLICABILITY ON HOSPITALITY FIELDS - QUALITY CONTROLE - PERFORMANCE MESURMENTS 3-IMPLIMENTATION TO BUSINESS â€Å"X†Quality As A Strategy In the 1980’s, Motorola was losing market share to the Japanese competition in their core product lines-semi-conductors, cellular phones, and pagers. Later, Motorola executives realized that this loss was due to the Japanese producing similar products but with better quality and lower prices. The Motorola executives always believed that producing better quality requires high costs, but the Japanese were proving this theory wrong. Bob Galvin, the chairman of Motorola was determined to beat the Japanese, and to do so he had to improve the quality of his company’s products and often lower prices. For that reason, he initiated the Total Quality Management program in 1983. The result of this program was a drop in deficit rates from 6 per thousand in 1986 to 40 per million by the end of 1991. The same program helped the corporate finance department to close its books in 4 days instead of 12, and service centers have cut their repair time from 12 days to 7. Also as a result of this program, new products are brought to market quicker. In 1988, Motorola won the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, and in addition, the results have also been spectacular. At the end, Motorola has regained its market share and at the same time increased its profits. The Hist... Free Essays on TQM TQM = CHANGE Introduction 3 Reasons for Resistance 3 Cause of Resistance 4 Barriers to Change 4 Stages of Change Implementation 6 Effective Implementation Through Active Learning 7 Conclusion 7 References 9 Introduction â€Å"Somebody once said: â€Å"The only one who likes change is a wet baby†(Mariutti, 1996, p.30). As long as we are comfortable with our surroundings and ourselves we as human beings will always be resistant to change. We fear the unknown because we do not like to be challenged with change. In order to fully change an individual’s style of thinking and working, we must understand the theory and techniques in order to break down the barrier of resistance. Reasons for Resistance There are several reasons for resistance to change from employees. Some of these reasons include no personal gain, bad timing, job security, the unknown, lack of resources, and fear of incompetence. Individuals that are resistant to change fear the unknown when they do not know how it will affect their lives and the changes it will bring. I can relate to this in my job as the warehouse manager at Integrated Supply Network, Inc. ISN has been through several changes in the last year regarding reengineering the warehouse to improve quality for our internal and external customers. In 1999 under the guidance of another warehouse manager the warehouse was forced to change. The people that were tasked with making the change had a power struggle and a lack of trust and understanding with the past warehouse manager. This was due to the manipulation tactics that were used. Also, this person used the authoritarian leadership style to maintain control of the warehouse team. The manager tried to make changes without a plan or without asking questions. In the end the warehouse employees teamed together and got rid of the manager. As you will see we needed to have a plan to implement change. B...
Friday, November 22, 2019
How the Great Depression Altered US Foreign Policy
How the Great Depression Altered US Foreign Policy As Americans suffered through the Great Depression of the 1930s, the financial crisis influenced U.S. foreign policy in ways that pulled the nation even deeper into a period of isolationism. While the exact causes of the Great Depression are debated to this day, the initial factor was World War I. The bloody conflict shocked the global financial system and altered the worldwide balance of political and economic power. The nations involved in World War I had been forced to suspend their use of the gold standard, long the determining factor in setting international currency exchange rates, in order to recover from their staggering war costs. Attempts by the U.S., Japan, and the European nations to re-instate the gold standard during the early 1920s left their economies without the flexibility they would be needed to cope with the financial hard times that would come in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Along with the great U.S. stock market crash of 1929, economic difficulties in Great Britain, France, and Germany coincided to create a global â€Å"perfect storm†of financial crises. Attempts by those nations and Japan to hold on to the gold standard only worked to fuel the storm and hasten the onset of a global depression. Depression Goes Global With no coordinated international system of dealing with a worldwide depression in place, the governments and financial institutions of the individual nations turned inward. Great Britain, unable to continue in its long-held role as the mainstay and chief ​money lender of the international financial system, became the first nation to permanently abandon the gold standard in 1931. Preoccupied with its own Great Depression, the United States was unable to step in for Great Britain as the world’s â€Å"creditor of last resort,†and permanently dropped the gold standard in 1933. Determined to resolve the global depression, leaders of the world’s largest economies convened the London Economic Conference of 1933. Unfortunately, no major agreements came out of the event and the great global depression persisted for the rest of the 1930s. Depression Leads to Isolationism In struggling with its own Great Depression, the United States sank its foreign policy even deeper into post-World War I stance of isolationism. As if the Great Depression was not enough, a series of world events that would result in World War II added to Americans’ desire for isolation. Japan seized most of China in 1931. At the same time, Germany was expanding its influence in Central and Eastern Europe, Italy invaded Ethiopia in 1935. The United States, however, chose not to oppose any of these conquests. To a large degree, Presidents Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt were constrained from reacting to international events, no matter how potentially dangerous, by the demands of the public to deal exclusively with domestic policy, primarily bringing an end to the Great Depression. Having witnessed the horrors of World War I, Hoover, like most Americans, hoped to never see the United States involved in another world war. Between his election November 1928 and his inauguration in March 1929, he traveled to the nations of Latin America hoping to win their trust by promising that the U.S. would always honor their rights as independent nations. Indeed, in 1930, Hoover announced that his administration’s foreign policy would recognize the legitimacy of the governments of all Latin American countries, even those whose governments did not conform to American ideals of democracy. Hoover’s policy was a reversal of President Theodore Roosevelt’s policy of using force if necessary to influence the actions of Latin American governments. Having withdrawn American troops from Nicaragua and Haiti, Hoover proceeded to avoid U.S. intervention in some 50 Latin American revolutions, many of which resulted in the establishment of anti-American governments. As a result, America’s diplomatic relations with the Latin American warmed during the Hoover presidency. Under the 1933 Good Neighbor Policy of President Franklin Roosevelt, the United States reduced its military presence in Central and South America. The move greatly improved U.S. relations with Latin America, while making more money available for depression-fighting initiatives at home. Indeed, throughout the Hoover and Roosevelt administrations, the demand to rebuild the American economy and end rampant unemployment forced U.S. foreign policy onto the backmost burner †¦ at least for a while. The Fascist Effect While the mid-1930s saw the rise conquest of militaristic regimes in Germany, Japan, and Italy, the United States remained entrenched in isolation from foreign affairs as the federal government struggled with the Great Depression. Between 1935 and 1939, the U.S. Congress, over the objections of President Roosevelt, enacted a series of Neutrality Acts specifically intended to prevent the United States from taking any role of any nature in potential foreign wars. The lack of any significant U.S. response to the invasion of China by Japan in 1937 or the forced occupation of Czechoslovakia by Germany in 1938 encouraged the governments of Germany and Japan to expand the scope of their military conquests. Still, many U.S. leaders continued to believe the need to attend to its own domestic policy, mainly in the form of ending the Great Depression, justified a continued policy of isolationism. Other leaders, including President Roosevelt, believed that U.S. non-intervention simple allowed the theaters of war to grow ever-closer to America. As late as 1940, however, keeping the U.S. out of foreign wars had widespread support from the American people, including high-profile celebrities like record-setting aviator Charles Lindbergh. With Lindbergh as its chairman, the 800,000-member-strong America First Committee lobbied Congress to oppose President Roosevelt’s attempts to provide war materials to England, France, the Soviet Union, and the other nations fighting the spread of fascism. When France finally fell to Germany in the summer of 1940, the U.S. government slowly started increasing its participation in the war against fascism. The Lend-Lease Act of 1941, initiated by President Roosevelt, allowed the president to transfer, at no cost, arms and other war materials to any â€Å"government of any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the United States.†Of course, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1942, thrust the United States fully into World War II and ended any pretense of American isolationism. Realizing that the nation’s isolationism had to some degree contributed to the horrors of World War II, U.S. policymakers once again began to emphasize the importance of foreign policy as a tool in preventing future global conflicts. Ironically, it was the positive economic impact of America’s participation in World War II, which had been long-delayed in part by the Great Depression that at last pulled the nation out of its longest economic nightmare.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
How FDI Helps Nurture Domestic Competition Environment Dissertation
How FDI Helps Nurture Domestic Competition Environment - Dissertation Example Second, the typical Solow growth model is offered aiming at simplifying the main drives for economic growth. Moreover, a comprehensive analysis of the actions of the MNEs is included. As a result, this method provides a multi-dimensional approach which puts emphasis on the modifications in efficiency, labour and possible spillover effects arising from the MNEs’ actions in China. Table of Content Contents Abstract 2 Table of Content 3 Contents 3 Introduction 3 Literature Review 5 Theoretical Framework 6 The Model 6 Conceptual Framework 11 Unconditional Approach 13 Conditional Approach 14 Total Factor Productivity Approach 16 Methodology 18 Research Methods 18 Data Sources 19 References 20 Introduction One of the greatest sensitive zones in international economics currently is Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Developing countries like China dread misuse on one hand, and insufficient access to foreign capital, expertise, marketing, and administration skills on the other. FDI comp rises a course of financial capital and impalpable assets like technology, professional capabilities, promotion skills and other possessions (Blonigen, 2005). It is worth noting that direct investment, in most cases, it begins with a minute or no net flow of financial capital. Occasionally, the parent company only adds its trademark name, managerial principles pegged with other assets of the less tangible variety (Moosa, 2002). A good prevarication strategy for a parent company that has foreign currency possessions in its partners is to take on foreign currency obligations as well (Ruane, & Ugur, 2005). This is made available by appropriating in foreign moneys that are used to fund the affiliate. In the current years, the portion of the developing nations as a basis of FDI significantly intensifies. However, the lion’s part is reserved to the EU nations, USA and Japan which make up for 80-90 percent of the entire FDI outflows. In situations where FDI is measured as a proporti on of GDP, the developed nations still account for the inordinate majority of FDI outflows (Kneller & Pisu, 2005). The role of FDI unavoidably increases in a quickly globalizing world. Bill Gates once said: â€Å"No one gets to vote on whether technology is going to change our lives†. By utilizing this quote as a representation, comparable parallels can be made in respect to FDI. No doubt, FDI has developed into an evitable part of the current globalized world and no person has the authority to stop this development. Therefore, it is vital that the consequences of FDI to the host economies be carefully and independently assessed. It is worth declaring that this is not an easy task, bearing in mind the schism of the bulk of opinions (Simpson, 2010). GDP, Export and FDI flows* *(Constant 1995 US$ index numbers, 1970=100, log scale) Source: Navaretti & Venables, 2004 Literature Review Theoretical Framework This chapter targets to provide the dissertation with a resilient theoret ical framework in association with economic growth pegged with its determinants. By understanding and appreciating what motivates the development in the short and long-run, it will be much tranquil to identify the influence that FDI has on the domestic competition environment. The beginning point of this investigation is the structure of a production function. Bestowing Alfaro, Kalemli-Ozcan and Sayek, (2009), we will use Solow’s neo-classical model of economic growth as a foundation of the discussion. This model was a
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Compare and Contrast God's nature in the Book of Proverbs, Book of Term Paper
Compare and Contrast God's nature in the Book of Proverbs, Book of Ecclesiastes and the Book of Job - Term Paper Example The book of Proverbs on the other hand gives an account of the expressions of man in the radiance of God’s wisdom and counsel. The book does this through giving of practical living teachings, righteousness and actions as well as attitudes that are godly. Lastly, Ecclesiastes gives an expression of man to himself, as he appears to question the existence of inequities as well as idiocy in life (Whybray 24). Job provides for an exception of the general rule that is depicted in Proverbs, as it does not matter how Job lived as the supernatural powers in this case God, demons and angles. The supernatural powers also include persons who could interrupt the formal way of things and have the Book of Proverbs to seem untruthful to persons who aspires to live wisely but finds his life a disaster. This is different from the book of Ecclesiastes that provides accounts that we can relate to be as true to the normal personal experiences that persons can live a horrible life but still be succ essful. One could possibly read the proverbs and identify a clear theme being emphasized unlike the Job. Job is better understood if read as a whole unlike any other book in the Old Testament (Whybray 28). ... Wisdom literature is divided into two namely; speculative and proverbial wisdom. Proverbial wisdom is displayed in the book of proverbs whereby pithy, short sayings whereby God’s nature is revealed in set rules for personal welfare and happiness. Speculative wisdom is found in the book of Ecclesiastes and Jobs. Wisdom in Ecclesiastes is in term of monologues whereas job wisdom literature is that of dialogues. In this type of speculative wisdom, God nature is revealed through problems as a way of shaping the relationship between people and God (Rowley, p. 234). To begin with, the Book of Job purposes to give a justification of Job’s fear for God. The book is a direct of companion to the facts of the accounts of life that were written by Solomon in the books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. Despite him being wealthy (Job 1:13), Job undergoes a lot of suffering and gives us the true illustrations of faith, trust and perseverance. Through the book God’s character and ju stice is placed at the forefront of all the discussions that Job had with his friends. In Job 3, job curses the day of his birth and relates it to darkness, chaos and gloom as well as cursing his maker we are made to seek to know if at all man can be just and blameless in the eyes of the Lord. Through Eliphaz (Job 6:24-30) we are given the idea that God only reproves those who are unjust and wicked and this is believed to be the cause for Job’s suffering. However, Job accounts that no man is just and blameless before the lord and is quick to ask for clemency. The book incites diverse interpretations, which range from basic morality to philosophical discussions (Rowley, 295). The book emphasizes on the importance of wisdom, as this is what Job
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Better Work Life Balance Survey in Ncc Bank Limited Essay Example for Free
Better Work Life Balance Survey in Ncc Bank Limited Essay This report provides an overview of different types of work-life balance initiatives that have been developed by in the financial institutions of Bangladesh. Governments are increasingly committed to reducing the social, health and business costs of work-life conflict. Several countries have adopted individual pieces of legislation or policies that address some aspect of work-life balance. These initiatives are not necessarily part of a comprehensive program or policy approach to achieve work-life balance, but these measures could be seen as one way to improve an employees balance between work and other responsibilities. This report shows that there is not likely to be any one size fits all answer to work-life balance issues. A variety of approaches are available to support work-life balance, ranging from promotional programs that emphasize the importance of balance and provide support to employers to reduce the business costs associated with work-life conflict, to legislation that supports parents with care giving responsibilities. It is clear that improving work-life balance is an important component of the policy agenda for many industrial countries, and the issue is likely to become even more important in the future. The first Work-Life Balance Survey (WLB1) was conducted by the Department for Education and Employment in 2000 to assess the extent to which employers operated work life balance practices; to see whether employees felt that existing practices met their needs; and to provide a baseline against which future surveys could be compared. Changes were made in the survey’s methodology between the first baseline study conducted by IFF and the second survey of employees (WLB2) conducted in 2003 by MORI, and fieldwork for the 3 Second survey was conducted prior to the introduction of the right to request flexible working. This report presents the results of the Third Work-Life Balance Employees’ Survey, conducted by telephone in early 2006. Work-life balance is a phrase used to describe an individuals feelings of satisfaction with the participation in job-related activities and his or her personal life. This state is achieved when an individual feels the amount of time spent making money to provide for ones household and advancing career goals is adequately balanced with the amount of time spent in independent and personal pursuits, such as friendships, family, spirituality, hobbies, and leisure activities. Failure to maintain work-life balance may result in significant emotional distress and reduction of productivity. In many cases, spending more time at work may actually lead to a decrease in productivity. Some individuals feel that their workplace creates too many pressures to maintain a work/life balance, and they may feel a reduction in their feelings of satisfaction and enjoyment of life. Some individuals feel as if there is not enough time for other aspects of life 1. INTRODUCTION: 1. 1. Introduction to the topic: Work-life balance is a broad concept including proper prioritizing between work (career and ambition) on one hand and life (pleasure, leisure, family and spiritual development) on the other. Related, though broader, terms include lifestyle balance and life balance. In general, individuals who work more than 60 hours per week are colloquially called workaholics. The phrase workaholic became popular in 1971 when Wayne Oates published the book, Confessions of a Workaholic. The phrase workaholic is not a clinical term, but it is generally used to describe individuals who neglect their personal lives in favor of work- and career-related pursuits. The phrase work-life balance became popular as a managerial concept when employers realized that their workers demonstrated increased productivity, decreased turnover, and dedication to the company when the concept was observed and respected.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Great Gatsby :: essays research papers
One night, Gatsby waylays Nick and nervously asks him if he would like to take a swim in his pool; when Nick demurs, he offers him a trip to Coney Island. Nick, initially baffled by Gatsby's solicitousness, realizes that he is anxiously waiting for Nick to arrange his meeting with Daisy. Nick agrees to do so. Gatsby, almost wild with joy, responds by offering him a job, a "confidential sort of thing," and assures Nick that he will not have to work with Meyer Wolfsheim. Nick is somewhat insulted that Gatsby wishes to reimburse him for his help, and so declines Gatsby's offer. It rains on the day that Gatsby and Daisy are to meet, and Gatsby becomes extremely apprehensive. The meeting takes place at Nick's house and, initially, their conversation is stilted and awkward. They are all inexplicably embarrassed; when Gatsby clumsily knocks over a clock, Nick tells him that he's behaving like a little boy. Nick leaves the couple alone for a few minutes; when he returns, they seem luminously happy, as though they have just concluded an embrace. There are tears of happiness on Daisy's cheeks. They make their way over to Gatsby's mansion, of which Gatsby proceeds to give them a carefully rehearsed tour. Gatsby shows Daisy newspaper clippings detailing his exploits. She is overwhelmed by them, and by the opulence of his possessions; when he shows her his vast collection of imported shirts, she begins to weep tears of joy. Nick wonders whether Gatsby is disappointed with Daisy; it seems that he has made of her a goddess, and  though Daisy herself is alluring  she cannot possibly live up to so grandiose an ideal. Gatsby has Ewing Klipspringer, a mysterious man who seems to live at his mansion, play "Ain't We Got Fun" (a popular song of the time) for himself and Daisy: In the morning, in the evening Ain't we got fun! Got no money, but oh, honey Ain't we got fun! As Klipspringer plays, Gatsby and Daisy draw closer and closer together; Nick, realizing that his presence has become superfluous, quietly leaves. Analysis The exchange between Nick and Gatsby that opens this chapter highlights the uncertainty at the heart of their relationship: is Gatsby's friendship with Nick merely expedient  that is, is he merely using him to draw closer to Daisy  or is he genuinely fond of him? The question cannot be absolutely decided: while it becomes clear that Gatsby has great affection for Nick, it is also true that he uses his money and power as leverage in all of his personal relationships.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Time I Learned a Lesson
While living in a state as hot as Arizona, not only do the football players have to drink a lot of water, but everyone else as well. The day I didn't taught me a lesson: Actions, good or bad, are followed with consequences. I thought my body would be perfectly fine without some water for the day but boy was I wrong. Just minutes before the incident, the only Item on my mind was how fun the rap concert would be the following night. Little did I know, I would not be attending.A late night trip to Albertson Isn't rare for my family as we forget things tie easily (and when I say we I mean I). I entered Albertson with a mental list of Ethylene, snacks, and Storage. Yet, I still made my way to the ice cream aisle as I seem to always be gravitated towards it. Him, what flavor sounds good? Ben and Jerry Peach Cobbler gets me every time! I reach out to grab that perfect concoction and smack! My body now lays lifeless on the floor as I blackout. Seconds, minutes, maybe hours later I become con scious. I make an effort to move my limbs but there's no use.My heavy eyelids have a arid time opening, I force them open and find myself in a hospital bed wearing one of those dresses I promised myself I'd never wear. My eyes find their way to the side of my bed where my motherly sits, pale skinned, and mouthing my name. Her voice finally registers Into my head as it translates from terrified to joyful. My very own nurse rushes In once I'm awake. She tries her hardest to talk slowly and uses hand gestures to explain why I'm here, why I'm lifeless, and why I'm wasn't eating my ice cream in the comfort of my own home.I had blacked out for several hours. Well that was an unexpected nap, I thought to myself. My nurse says the word dehydrated and it clicks my mental grocery list. There was Ethylene for my headache, snacks for nauseates, and Storage for extreme thirst. How could I be so stupid? The next day my life carried on normally: I woke up, ate, went to school, ate, napped, ate, di d my homework, ate, and slept. Of course there was a lot more water in my system compared to the day before, but drinking more water wasn't the lesson learned.I could have been testing and driving, or not completing a homework assignment but the point was the same; there were consequences to my every move. I could've been In a car accident or simply slotting In SAD with a bunch of kids I TLD know. It's your own choices that make you or break you In this life, what will you choose? And will you be prepared for the consequences that follow? BY excellencies English II- Period 3 A typical sight in the halls of Hamilton High School are the tall and built young men of was I wrong.Just minutes before the incident, the only item on my mind was how fun attending. A late night trip to Albertson isn't rare for my family as we forget things quite easily (and when I say we I mean l). I entered Albertson with a mental list of finally registers into my head as it translates from terrified to Joyfu l. My very own nurse rushes in once I'm awake. She tries her hardest to talk slowly and uses hand I could've been in a car accident or simply sitting in SAD with a bunch of kids I didn't know. It's your own choices that make you or break you in this life, what will you
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Sources of Capital: Owner’s Equity
Owner’s Equity as a Source of Capital Sources of capital come in two forms: debt and equity. Obtaining permanent capital through equity is the capital supplied by the entity’s owners. It is the owner’s share in the financing of all the assets. Richard Scott, United States accounting professor wrote, â€Å"one of the most deep-seated, and incontrovertible concepts embraced by accounting theory today is that of owner’s equity. †Through analysis of the case, we found this to be true. There are different financing costs both a company and its investors face when considering equity financing. It is strangely fascinating that often times, equity financing becomes more costly than debt financing. The analysis of opportunity for both sides of the transaction, financier and debtor, requires multiple formulas and calculations. Options for financing vary in pre-tax earnings and return on investment. For this reason, the options should be thoroughly analyzed to find the best yield for both parties, company and investor. Innovative Engineering Company was founded as a partnership, and within five years became a thriving business bringing with it both success and the need for new permanent capital. The two partners, Gale and Yeaton, estimated the capital need at $1. 2 million. Initially, the partners found interested investors, but none willing to risk their personal assets by participating in a partnership. Though incorporation is more costly and subject to numerous regulations, it provides limited liability to its investors and the ability to raise capital through bonds and stock. The partners planned to form a corporation to secure investors. Under incorporation, owner’s equity becomes stockholder’s equity. The two types of equity are purchased equity, consisting of preferred stock, common stock, and paid in capital, and that of earned equity, also referred to as retained earnings. The later represents profits earned by the company and retained in the business. Owner’s equity is shown on the balance sheet and within the statement of owner’s equity in a company’s financial statements, and is most commonly influenced by income and dividends. Four proposals were developed to attempt to meet the needs of investors in the Innovative Engineering case and the two original partners struggled to maintain ownership control. Proposal A includes a $1. million long-term loan, giving Arbor Capital Corporation 10% common stock. Proposal B includes $200,000 debt, $900,000 preferred stock, and $100,000 common stock. Proposal C includes $600,000 debt, $600,000 equity with 40% common stock. Proposal D includes $300,000 debt, $900,000 equity with 50% common stock. Calculating the impli cations of each proposal is necessary to seek further investors and find the best option for both sides of the transaction. Gale and Yeaton assumed an interest cost of debt at 8% and a dividend rate for preferred stock at 10%. They also assumed pessimistic, best guess, and optimistic variables. The applicable tax rate is 34%. The return on common shareholder’s equity earned under each of the three income assumptions is as follows: Proposal A: Debt = $1,100,000 Taxes= 34% Payment on Debt = $1,100,000(. 08) = $88,000 Common Stock = $1,000,000 Pessimistic NI – Interest Expense+ Tax Savings/Common Stock = $100,000 – 88,000+34,000 = 46,000/1,000,000 = 4. 6% Best Guess $300,000-88,000+102,000 = 314,000/1,000,000 = 31. 4% Optimistic $500,000 – 88,000+170,000 = 514,000/1,000,000 = 51. 4% Proposal B: Debt = $200,000 Payment on Debt = $200,000(. 08) = $16,000 Preferred Stock = $900,000 Dividend Payment for Preferred Stock = $900,000(. 0) = $90,000 Common Stock = $100,000 Common Shareholder’s equity = 1,000,000 Taxes = 34% Pessimistic NI-Interest Expense-Preferred Div+ Tax Savings/Common Stock $100,000-16,000-90,000+34000 = 28,000/1,000,000 = 2. 8% Best Guess $300,000-16,000-90,000+ 102,000= 296,000/1,000,000 = 29. 6% Optimistic $500,000-16,000-90,00 0+170,000 = 564,000/1,000,000 = 56. 4% Proposal C: Debt = $600,000 Payment on Debt = $48,000 Common Stock = $1,500,000 Taxes = 34% Pessimistic NI-Interest Expense+Tax Savings/Common Stock $100,000-48,000+34,000 = 86,000/1,500,000 = 5. 7% Best Guess $300,000-48,000+102,000 = 354,000/1,500,000 =23. 6% Optimistic 500,000-48,000+170,000 = 622,000/1,500,000 = 41. 47% Proposal D: Debt = $300,000 Common Stock = $1,800,000 Taxes = 34% Pessimistic NI-Debt+Tax Savings/Common Stock $100,000-24,000+34,000 = 110,000/1,800,000 = 6. 1% Best Guess $300,000-24,000+102,000 = 378000/1,800,000= 21% Optimistic $500,000-24,000+170,000 = 646,000/1,800,000 = 35. 89% From this, we see proposal D is the optimal investment strategy for Arbor Capital Corporation. The three income assumptions provide higher returns at a more constant rate than the other proposals. For Innovative Engineering Company, proposals A and B are more ideal for meeting their control needs. For a further analysis of earnings, the pre-tax earnings and return on investment are calculated as follows: Pre-Tax = 100,000 / (1-. 34) = 151,515. 15 Proposal A: Debt = $1,100,000 Common Stock = $100,000 Interest = $88,000 Dividend = $21,200 Pre-Tax Earnings = $109,200 (sum – common stock and debt) Return on Investment = 9% (pre-tax earnings / $1,200,000) Proposal B: Debt = $200,000 Preferred Stock = $900,000 Common Stock = $100,000 Interest = $16,000 Preferred Dividend =$90,000 Common Dividend =$10,000 Pre-Tax Earnings = -$64,000 Return on Investment = -5% Proposal C: Debt = $600,000 Common Stock = $600,000 Interest = $48,000 Common Dividend = $240,000 Pre-Tax Earnings = $288,000 Return on Investment = 24% Proposal D: Debt =$300,000 Common Stock = $900,000 Interest = $24,000 Common Dividend = $450,000 Pre-Tax Earnings = $474,000 Return on Investment = 40% Again, proposal D shows the most promise for Arbor Capital Corporation, with larger pre-tax earnings and a greater return on investment. Innovative Engineering Company is in a good position and has options. They should not consider proposal B. Proposal A will give them greater control over the company but comes with large debt financing and is risky. They should consider other investors and should look at options such as warrants. They should further research their options for a large loan. We have found debt financing can be cheaper than equity financing and should be considered. We are certain Innovative Engineering Company could find more attractive financing than proposal D. They should have more options, because their need is success driven versus a start-up company. From outside research we have found there is a natural definition of market efficiency relating capital stock and investment flow. Obviously, equity finance should not be used if it becomes more expensive than debt financing. The company can create value by managing these sources of capital, finding an optimal balance of both. Works Cited Anthony, R. N. , Hawkins, D. F. & Merchant, K. A. (2007). Accounting Text & Cases (12th ed. ). Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Frieden, Roy (2010). â€Å"Asymmetric information and economics. †Physica A. Volume 389 Issue 2. Scott, Richard (1979). â€Å"Owner’s Equity, The Anachronistic Element. †The Accounting Review. Volume 4.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Randolph Caldecott Medal Current and Past Winners
The Randolph Caldecott Medal Current and Past Winners About the Randolph Caldecott Medal In the United States, receiving the Randolph Caldecott Medal is the highest honor an artist can achieve for childrens book illustration. The Caldecott awards are administered by the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), a division of the American Library Association (ALA). The award is named after Randolph Caldecott, a nineteenth century English illustrator who was known for his picture book illustrations. According to ALSC, the Caldecott Medal is an annual award. and childrens picture books published in the previous year in English in the U.S. are eligible as long as the artwork is original and the artist is a U.S. citizen or a resident of the United States. The Medal honors the years most distinguished American picture book for children. The 2016 Caldecott Medal Winner and Honor Books The 2016 Caldecott Medal winner is Finding Winnie: The True Story of the World’s Most Famous Bear. Sophie Blackall is the illustrator and Lindsay Mattick the author of the story of the bear who became the inspiration for A.A. Milnes Winnie-the-Pooh. To learn more about the storys background, history, author and illustrations, watch the excellent Finding Winnie: The True Story of the World’s Most Famous Bear video from the publisher. (Little, Brown and Company, an division of Hachette Book Group, Inc., 2015. ISBN: 978-0316324908) 2016 Caldecott Honor Books Four childrens picture books were selected as 2016 Caldecott Honor Books. Two of them are on my Best Illustrated Picture Books of 2015 list. Trombone Shorty - The painting and collage mixed media illustrations by Bryan Collier and the words by New Orleans musician Troy Trombone Shorty Andrews make this picture book autobiography sing. (Abrams Books for Young Readers, an imprint of ABRAMS, 2015. ISBN: 9781419714658)Waiting, illustrated and written by Kevin Henkes (Greenwillow Books, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, 2015. ISBN: 9780062368430). For more information, read my summary of Waiting.Voice of Freedom: Fannie Lou Hamer, Spirit of the Civil Rights Movement - Illustrated with dramatic collage by Ekua Holmes, Voice of Freedom is a biography in verse written by Carole Boston Weatherford for ages 10 and up. (Candlewick Press, 2015. ISBN: 9780763665319)Last Stop on Market Street, illustrated by Christian Robinson and written by Matt de la Peà ±a Last Stop on Market Street is also the 2016 John Newbery Medal winner for young peoples literature. (G. P. Putnam’s Sons, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA), 2015. Past Randolph Caldecott Medal Winners and Honor Books In most years, in addition to the Caldecott Medal winner, several books are designated Caldecott Honor Books for the quality of their illustrations. For Caldecott Medal winners from 1938 to 2013. To learn more about recent Caldecott Medal winners and Caldecott Honor Books, see: 1938 - 2015: All the Randolph Caldecott Medal Winners2014 Randolph Caldecott Medal Winner and Honor Books2013 Randolph Caldecott Medal Winner and Honor Books2012 Caldecott Medal Winner and Caldecott Honor Books2011 Caldecott Medal Winner and Caldecott Honor Books2010 Caldecott Medal Winner and Caldecott Honor Books2009 Caldecott Medal Winner and Caldecott Honor Books2008 Caldecott Medal Winner and Caldecott Honor Books2007 Caldecott Medal Winner and Caldecott Honor Books There are many wonderful childrens books on these lists, and I hope you will have the time to look over the lists and select some of these picture books to share with your children.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Argumentative Essay Writing Tips
Argumentative Essay Writing Tips How to Write an Argumentative Essay? An argumentative essay typically consists of major points. However, the body paragraphs are the core part of the assignment. This is where a student is supposed to provide strong argumentation and evidence to the key points described in the work. The paper requires a considerable writing style, which appears to be the main challenge or writers. How to start an argumentative essay? A good thing about the paper is that students can generally choose a topic they like unless the instructor assigns it. Try to choose a topic you are good at. It is the only way to write something solid. You are supposed to be an expert or at least show off your expertise making readers believe that you are an expert. To achieve this, you need to do the following: Step 1 – Make a plan Having a clear plan or outline is the basis for the paper. The writing process will be time-consuming and daunting unless you have a clear plan. Try several variants, sketch the outline and choose the best bet. When you work out the plan, you already have a clear understanding of what to write about and in what way. Step 2 – Handle the creative block The creative crisis is a common issue for many amateur and immature writers. You will obviously face creative problems especially if you write this type of paper for the first time. Do not overload your brain with difficult objectives. Try to think clearly or simply have a rest not to be overwhelmed with the task. Keep your mind clear; make notes of everything that may come in handy. Step 3 – Benefit from critical thinking Once you are done with the plan and ready to write, it is high time we used critical thinking. Check all your notes and try to organize the key ideas bringing them to one place featuring logical connections. Make sure you stick to the plan. Add proofs and argumentations in accordance with the outlines. Step 4 – Revise the paper The major part of your writing work is done! Good for you! Now you need to make sure that the content is flawless from grammar and writing style perspectives. You need to edit and proofread the paper. Double-check the text to make you feel safe. The slightest mistake will doom your work to failure. Step 5 – Let friends read your paper You’ve done a great job! A good idea is to ask your friends or relatives to read the essay and share their opinion. They can notice some mistakes or misconnections as well. Checking and editing are never enough when it comes to delivering high-quality argumentative essays.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Analysis poem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Analysis poem - Essay Example The first two sentences of the poem represent the poet’s opinion of love and friendship. â€Å"Love is like the wild rose-briar; / Friendship like the holly-tree†(1-2). The poet uses two similes to describe it love and friendship in a more lively and specific way. The beauty of love is described through the rose-briar and friendship is compared with the holly-tree. (The definition of rose-briar, according to Oxford Dictionary, is a wild bush with thorns, especially a wild rose bush). Bronte thinks love is represented as â€Å"wild rose-briar†(1). This kind of plant is considered to have a beautiful and charming blossom, but its beauty is temporary, unstable and dangerous. (The definition of holly, according to Oxford Dictionary, is â€Å"A widely distributed evergreen shrub, typically having prickly dark green leaves, small white flowers, and red berries†.) Bronte uses a good simile to represent friendship. The holly-tree’s leaves never wilt and i t could signify the characteristic of friendship. It shows that that friendship can be forever and I believe the same A good friend may be an ordinary and inconspicuous person, but is a person who we can rely on and trust in any situation. The relationship between love and friendship could be two parallel lines or two intersecting lines. The poem says â€Å"The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms. / But which will bloom most constantly? †(3-4). These two sentences make people to think about which one of the two might be constant. In my opinion, I cannot say definitely whether it is love or friendship that is constant because people are changeable. In addition, there are also many external factors that affect people’s relationships. People could change their minds due to some specific reasons or specific environmental factors. For example, friends or lovers go to different
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Social media and employees and employers Research Paper
Social media and employees and employers - Research Paper Example Individuals started to build online persona. In reality, some information is very confidential to the extent no one would want to share with their family and certainly not with a professional hiring manager. Individuals are using this new data base in of personal information in questionable ways ethically. The lack of regulations, clear guidelines, has led to dissemination of information across the internet for a purpose other than that intended. Employment screening is one of the more infringements to the rights to Facebook users. To understand fully the current ethical issues on Facebook, it’s vital to comprehend history and evolution of social networking website (Engler & Tanoury, 2011) Facebook evolved in the month of February 2004 by a scholar of Harvard. Its main purpose was to enhance communication among students through an easy access on online network. Surprisingly in just weeks almost half of Harvard undergraduate’s class were signed in as members. Zuckerberg who created Facebook took on the help of two of his friends, so as to expand Facebook for it looked like a profitable venture. They established its headquarters in Palo Alto in the same year. Facebook received a large amount of investment capital, which enhanced its, rapid growth across the country to hundreds of colleges and millions of member’s. Initially Facebook was only for college students at select universities. Due to its small target group it left a large market space for other social networking sites, particularly, MySpace to attract and incorporate those excluded (Engler & Tanoury, 2011) These automatically helped MySpace gunner more users than Facebook. In order to increase their users, Facebook introduced high school users, which boosted their increase in membership. Still Facebook was experiencing marketing problems. Its users at the completion of college would feel out of place and transfer their account to a more appropriate network such as work network. Press ure mounting on then from capital banker’s lead to them allowing not only scholars but anybody who wanted membership. These saw their users rise rapidly universally. Facebook and MySpace are two competitive media networks. MySpace is seen as having a more chaotic appearance due to its pages being business oriented and customizable features. Facebook, on the other hand, is viewed as a more private network compared to MySpace. In Facebook users are more open in giving their biography. Contrary, to that, MySpace users use fictions names rather than their real identity. Facebook had a reputation of baring unwanted viewers as compared to MySpace. However new policies have made it possible for employers to access valuable information of the applicant that was once unavailable to them (Engler & Tanoury, 2011). This article notes why potential employees, as part of hiring background check, monitor current employee’s social media sites. It also explores if an employee should be made aware of his information being accessed before it takes place. Finally, this note will propose a solution for the competing interests of individuals, Individuals desiring freedom and the employers desiring quality employees. Employers dig information about an applicant to ensure the best candidate is selected. One fit for the vacant position, in that he is capable to meet the organizational goals. To obtain such information, a variety of
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
What skills of a leader does she possess Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
What skills of a leader does she possess - Essay Example According to Gallo, Mayer is an apt communicator who has a record of moving crowds with her strong oratory skills and presentation prowess. In her speeches, Gallo notes, Mayer tells stories and complements them with pictures. According to Gallo (2012), Mayer dedicates part of her time to employees in the office. Through this method, she would ensure that the employees felt close to the management and therefore more motivated. She makes employees feel the meaning in the work process. Gallo states that the course of the interview proved to him that Mayer was a very committed person to her work as Google vice president. Other sources indicate that Mayer’s commitment to employees surpasses many people. She is known to spend a lot of time travelling worldwide to meet various teams. She is known to trust in team building using a face to face approach. Mayer advocates for simple straight forward approach to solution designs. In this regard, she calls for solutions such as apps to be designed with users in mind. Using this style, Mayer has been accorded great respect by many users who admire her simplicity approach. Marissa Mayer is a person focused on mobile and design and prioritizing of the same. Mayer is known to be committed to this vision and usually reciprocates it in her seminars. By publicly stating her vision and keeping clearly focused on it, through the various referrals she makes to it, Mayer shows great leadership skills on commitment towards what one believes in. she exemplifies how a leader should lead others in focusing on their goals. In her leadership roles at the organizational level, Mayer has been known to allow employees to practice their skills at their best. This is a method that brings many employees associated to her line of command able to perform a lot. She does not believe in putting down a set of guidelines to be followed by the employees but lets the employees’ practice what is expected of them. The noted cases are
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Forbidden City and Buckingham Palaces Architecture
The Forbidden City and Buckingham Palaces Architecture What makes a building outstanding and became a typical logo of the city, and even the country? It’s not easy for a architecture to attract the travel enthusiasts and the travelers all over the world. Many of the buildings and structures featured are famous for their beauty. Others have become famous for their ingenuity or their historical significance. There are many similarities and differences between Eastern and Western architectural. Their building style, history, materials, function and even significance and influence are form more and less difference. Take Chinese Forbidden city and the Buckingham Palace for example, they both represent the representative building of their country and impact occurred on modern architects design. As for architectural style, the Forbidden city and Buckingham Palace reflected the Eastern and Western’s cultural differences. Infected by their culture, the architectural style of Chinese traditional style with special emphasis on linear beauty, pay attention to the flow lines of melody. The Forbidden city’s beams, columns, roof can express line artistic appeal, as in the rest of the top of the mountain building eaves intentionally made slightly to the sides form a high rise, but made clear the warped corner section, rather steep roof upper and lower more gentle, so both for rainwater drainage, but also conducive to the sunshine and ventilation. Pursuit of mood and thought heavy ethics embodied in the Chinese ancient buildings very apparent when architectural style, tend to their social content and symbolism prominent position on the influential, while also focusing on practicality. It’s obviously that the structure contacts the special Chinese culture and is pr actical. In the same context, the Buckingham Palace styling emphasizes form United States , originated in classical Greek aesthetics that the United States in the form of objects. Both Forbidden city and Buckingham Palace has long history. In the Middle Ages, the site of the future palace formed part of the Manor of Ebury. Owners included Edward the Confessor and his queen consort Edith of Wessex in late Saxon times, and, after the Norman Conquest, William the Conqueror. William gave the site to Geoffrey de Mandeville, who bequeathed it to the monks of Westminster Abbey. In 1531, Henry VIII acquired the Hospital of St James from Eton College, and in 1536 he took the Manor of Ebury from Westminster Abbey. These transfers brought the site of Buckingham Palace back into royal hands for the first time since William the Conqueror had given it away almost 500 years earlier. Eventually, in the late 17th century, the freehold was inherited from the property tycoon Sir Hugh Audley by the great heiress Mary Davies. Likewise, the Forbidden city got through a long period too. Beijing Forbidden City began construction of Emperor Yongle in AD 1406, was rejected Yuan air tra nsport, basically not built on the basis of most of the Yuan Dynasty palace, rather eastward 150 m, re-created from the palace, the palace walls of the palace, including all were re-built, larger than most of the palace, slightly less than the Forbidden City in Nanjing, a former designer for artisan craftsmen Queen Kuai Xiang, inaugurated in 1420 AD, built from 1420 to about 500 in 1911 between the Qing emperor to abdicate, Ming, A total of 24 Emperor Qing dynasties lived in the Forbidden City. The distinction on the building materials is also a different factor of the building style. In ancient times, Chinese architects used wood as the main building materials while Western architects used masonries as their main materials. The most materials of the Forbidden city are wood, but because of Forbidden City choice 15 kinds of precious and timber corrosion, it still protect completely and won’t cause trouble. On the other hand, Buckingham Palace’s facade decoration materials are the Bath limestone. These two kind of material selection make the building have different appearance. Many visitors surprised at these completely different architectural style building from their own country, the choice of the wood and stone greatly depend the difference of Eastern and Western architecture. With the time fly, the choice of materials change a lot and until now, Eastern country and Western country not only retained their selection featured on colleagues, but also learn from each other’s specialist, the designer using different building materials to create a more creative and distinctive architectural. The Forbidden City and Buckingham Palace’s function change but they are still be used now. Buckingham Palace has served as the official London residence of Britains sovereigns since 1837 and today is the administrative headquarters of the Monarch. Although in use for the many official events and receptions held by The Queen, the State Rooms at Buckingham Palace are open to visitors every year. The Palace is very much a working building and the centrepiece of Britains constitutional monarchy. It houses the offices of those who support the day-to-day activities and duties of The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh and their immediate family. The Palace is also the venue for great Royal ceremonies, State Visits and Investitures, all of which are organised by the Royal Household. Although Buckingham Palace is furnished and decorated with priceless works of art that form part of the Royal Collection, one of the major art collections in the world today. It is not an art gallery and nor is it a museum. More than 50,000 people visit the Palace each year as guests to banquets, lunches, dinners, receptions and the Royal Garden Parties. On contrast, the Forbidden city has apply for World Heritage and it is open for tourists. Forbidden City, two thousand years of development in China and East Asia pinnacle of classical architecture, has been affecting the subsequent development of Chinese architecture, as well as providing inspiration for many works of art. The significance and influence of the Forbidden city and Buckingham Palace is Considerable. Their architecture is a model for modern structure designer. Walking in the Forbidden City, the artistic effect of the kind of space sequence level by building depth treatment group obtained. Like a Chinese scroll appreciate it, to start with the picture of piecewise, people always with a sense of anticipation, looking forward to the culmination and crowning touch screen show, thus enhancing the appeal of the work of art. It is for this reason, the building generated after leaving their old age, still can connotation artistic charm. To open a new era of peoples minds casement, giving the joy of beauty. Ancient buildings across time and space is like a bridge connecting the deceased and present, giving the thick atmosphere and beauty.
Friday, October 25, 2019
What is Business Studies? Essay -- Business
What is Business Studies? Business studies is the study of how businesses are set up, financed, organised and controlled, how people are employed, managed and paid, how goods are developed, produced and sold, how goods and services are priced and how the local, national and international government help or hinder businesses. In studying the setting up of a business there are many aspects that need to be considered. Such as the type of business ownerships which are suitable for the entrepreneur, where the capital will be coming from, what goods or services could be considered to sell and where the business should be located. The extensive amount of research, which is carried out before the business operates, is also studied. There are many sources of finance open to the entrepreneur, which also need to be studied in depth. The business owner has to set the right price for its goods or services - a price which is of convenience to the consumer and which is affordable for the owner. This is possible by using break-even analysis, and again market research. Owners ... What is Business Studies? Essay -- Business What is Business Studies? Business studies is the study of how businesses are set up, financed, organised and controlled, how people are employed, managed and paid, how goods are developed, produced and sold, how goods and services are priced and how the local, national and international government help or hinder businesses. In studying the setting up of a business there are many aspects that need to be considered. Such as the type of business ownerships which are suitable for the entrepreneur, where the capital will be coming from, what goods or services could be considered to sell and where the business should be located. The extensive amount of research, which is carried out before the business operates, is also studied. There are many sources of finance open to the entrepreneur, which also need to be studied in depth. The business owner has to set the right price for its goods or services - a price which is of convenience to the consumer and which is affordable for the owner. This is possible by using break-even analysis, and again market research. Owners ...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Compare and contrast Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison Essay
Long ago there was time where, the room was lit by candle light. In everything one could do one needed a candle next to them to make it possible for it to be done. It was not until the birth of Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison that this was changed forever. These two great men’s inventions are what make our world today and without it, we would not be as advanced that we are. This will prove that there are many seminaries (interested in electricity, were both scientist and inventors, both improved the world) between Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison along with their differences (family valves, Benjamin involved in politics world, Thomas involved in social world), wrapping up with how the two scientists are more similar then different. Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison can resemble each other in more ways then one. For both of the scientists, electricity was a great interest. Franklin believed that lightning was electricity that came from the clouds. He believed this theory so much that he proposed an experiment to prove it. It would consist of attracting lightning to metal rods resulting in the invention of the lightning rod. Thomas Edison was known for his light bulb. Contrary to popular belief, Edison did not invent the light bulb, just improved a 50-year-old idea. It was Edison’s interest in electricity that brought him to improve the light bulb. Secondly, both of these great men were not only scientist but at the same time inventors too. Benjamin Franklin will always be known for one of the most important inventions for mankind, Bifocals. This invention changed the lives of many people by the way they see and the convince of it. Not only did Franklin discover Bifocals but also the Lightning Rod, Cathe ter, and Franklin Stove. Thomas Edison was mostly known for his work he did with the light bulb. He also helped the movie world. Some may call it the entertainment world instead. He invented the first camera for motion pictures, it was called the Kinetophone. This invention help change the way people provide entertainment forever. Next, these scientist were both great in all ways, they also started something new to add to their greatest. Franklin started the first fire insurance. He came up with the idea when he was 46. He knew with the new technology coming out, that it may be of some need. Thomas Edison worked for newspapers when he was a young boy. He started the first newspaper to ever be printed on a train. He called it the Grand Trunk Herald. Finally, not only was the interest of electricity a big favor in their seminaries but also they both started their lives working in the printing profession. Franklin worked in the printing profession up until he turned 42. There he decided to retire to devote his time to his studies in science. Edison started working for the printing profession as a young boy. Wh en he was twelve, he lost almost all his hearing. Edison believed it was from when he was grabbed by his ears and lifted to a train. With the lost of almost all his hearing, it did not slow Edison down. Just like the connections, variations are also applied when referring to Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison. These two men were very different when it applies to their families. Franklin was very distant from his family. When he moved to Boston, he cut his family completely out of his life. For Edison he claims that his mother is what made him. When he was a boy, there was a disagreement with the teacher that he mother did not like. She in result pulled him from school and continued to teach him herself. She then taught Edison the rest of his schooling. Many believe that this is the reason he quotes his mother made him. Next, along with being a scientist and inventor, Franklin was also at the same time involved in the political world. When he was 70, Franklin was chosen to be in the Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention. The next year he signed the Treaty of Alliance with France. Right before Franklin passed on he signed the Constitution of the United States of America. Lastly, as for Edison he was involved in a totally different world that many people today would know it as the social world. Edison had invented the first camera for motion pictures. By doing this, it brought him into the entertainment world and later called the social world. Edison even copyrighted the first motion picture ever. It showed his employee Fred Ott pretending to sneeze. By doing this, it started the production of motion pictures. Edison changed the Social world just like Franklin changed the Political world. After reviewing Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison’s achievements, it is recognized that there are more seminaries rather then differences. In history it was even written that Thomas Edison was following in Benjamin Franklin’s footsteps. Both were interested in the same things and the same desires when conducting their experiments and theories. They both enjoyed researching electricity. When researching it they both came up with inventions that changed the world. Even when they were children, they both enjoyed the same careers. They both started out working in the printing profession and then finished their lives with studying science. Along with being in the printing profession, they both were known to be scientists and inventors. With all the work that they have finished, it led them to discover new things that could improve the world. For example Franklin will always be known for the lightning rod and the bifocals. As will Edison be known for improving the light bulb and starting the entertainment world with the first camera for motion pictures. Without these two men something’s in this world today just would not be here. This has just proved that there are many seminaries (interested in electricity, were both scientist and inventors, both improved the world) between Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison along with their differences (family valves, Benjamin involved in politics world, Thomas involved in social world), wrapping up with how the two scientists are more similar then different. These two scientist and inventors are two great men that have lived. Without some work that they have accomplished, no one would know where the world would be today.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Unilateralism can be described as a new economic direction enforced by US and British leaders after WI. It was touted as the best means to livelihood through freedom of the private sector based on four main pillars; vaporization of utilities, financial deregulation, management and manipulation crisis and state redistribution where wealth was supposedly to trickle down' to the poor. Harvey assesses how a seemingly utopian idea was actually a way for US global domination and a means to store upper class wealth.This destructive Capitalist entitlement Is so Ingrained that we are unaware of what an Influential role It plays Into our existence and our seemingly need for new commodities. Who benefits from ‘Individual freedom' and what role does It play In national education, media, and finances and Internationally through the WTFO and MIFF. Quest for self-liberty through societal movement Is traced back to Incidents in the soviet union, Pans, china and Mexico, to name a few.In 1970 he first trial of liberalizing was carried out in Chile with a CIA backed coup and further US control, designed by The Chicago Boys', through vaporization and foreign investment: which is now used as a model for action. After 911 the US embarked on its ‘obligation to spread freedom' as Pres. Bush put it. The Iraq war and outcome is a modern display of US control through declaration of Unilateralism and its freedom. Continuation of time now allows awareness of materialism, class struggle, indigenous fairness and the global society.
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