Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Can Germ Line Gene Therapy Cure - 1703 Words
Title: Can Germ-Line Gene Therapy’s Cure Shwachman Diamond Syndrome? Author: Tori Williams University Address: 223 James P Brawley Dr. SW Atlanta, Ga 30314 Date: April 12th, 2016 Molecular Location of SBDS gene on chromosome 7 Abstract: Shwachman Diamond Syndrome is a genetic condition that can affect the bone marrow, pancreas, and skeletal system. When the bone marrow is affected the natural function of producing new blood cells which is not working properly and cannot produce different white blood cells. People who have this disease make them more accessible to bodily infections which can affect bodily movements as well. According to extensive research there is a mutation on the SBDS gene that coincides with Shwachman Diamond Syndrome. Gene Therapy is an important experimental procedure in which genes are used to treat or prevent certain diseases. Doctors believe that this procedure will allow the insertion of genes to prevent disease. This gene technique can assist in preventing Shwachman Diamond Syndrome with the SBDS gene that has been identified as a mutation. This particular gene makes a protein that has an unknown function, but is active in building ribosomes. While researching this disease the importance to mankind is to prevent the amount of people affected and to be proactive in utilizing gene therapy to attack the disease from the source. Introduction: Shwachman Diamond Syndrome is an autosomalShow MoreRelatedThe Pros and Cons of Gene Therapy Gene therapy is a very controversial topic that has been700 Words  | 3 Pagesand Cons of Gene Therapy Gene therapy is a very controversial topic that has been discussed in the last five years and is being heavily studied to help cure cancer. Gene therapy is a technique aimed at treating genetic disorders by introducing the correct form of the defective gene into the patient’s genome (Dunlop et al., 2010). There are two main groups of gene therapy and they are germ line gene therapy and somatic gene therapy (Baksh, 2007). Germ line therapy consists of germ cells being modifiedRead MoreEssay on A Look at Gene Therapy1264 Words  | 6 PagesWould you consider altering your DNA if it could save your life? Scientist have been working on gene therapy since the 1970s, this biotechnological form of medicine is the attempt to medically modify cells to help eliminate or prevent diseases by correcting defective genes. Imagine the possibilities of having your DNA tested for heritable diseases and being able to eliminate such diseases from your future. From 1990-2003 the Department of Energy coordinated a project called the Human Genome ProjectRead MoreEssay about The Ethical Controversy of Gene Therapy 1590 Words  | 7 Pages Gene therapy is a technique that uses genes to treat or prevent diseases. It is the process of taking DNA from one organism and inserting it to another. No development in the field of biotechnology has inspired both greater fear and hope in human society than gene therapy. Here is the big question among the people. While this new advancement in gene therapy promotes new hopes to cure life-threatening diseases or help the amputee or physically disabled persons to lead life like a normal humanRead MoreThe Risks of Gene Therapy Essay921 Words  | 4 PagesGenes are made of DNA – the code of life. Everyone inherits genes from their parents and passes them to their children. (Gene Therapy- The Great Debate!) The changes in genes may cause serious problems, which we called genetic disorder. Scient ists have currently identified more than 4000 different genetic disorders. The most typical gene disorders include Severe Combined Immune Deficiency (ADA-SCID) and Chronic Granulomatus Disorder (CGD), hemophilia, etc. In theory, the only method to cure geneticRead MoreDna Essay999 Words  | 4 Pagesroom for error. When errors occur in the DNA strand, it is called a mutation. A mutation is the changing of the structure of a gene. This results in a variant form that may be transferred on to upcoming generations, caused by the alteration of single base units in DNA, or the deletion, insertion, or rearrangement of larger sections of genes or chromosomes. A mutation can change an organism’s life in many aspects whether the change be good or bad. DNA is a structure that is relatively simple. ItRead MoreGene Therapy And Delivery Methods1245 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction: Each human body consists of net numbers of genes in which half of genes are defective in nature. We do not suffer any injurious effects from that defective genes as we carry two copies of DNA that carries two copies of the specific gene present in somatic cells. The gene which is likely to be harmful is recessive gene so if we inherit two copies of recessive gene from our parent, then disease will occur ( Carroll, 2011).Now days every year noticeable children are born with geneticRead MoreThe Future Of Unregulated Germ Line Gene Therapy1373 Words  | 6 Pagesback from your procedure to alter your genes for brown hair and green eyes because you didn t want to pass them on to your child. Everyone is saying that having brown hair and green eyes is unattractive now and they re unwanted traits for future generations. Three months later the â€Å"fad†changes and people begin to think that having green eyes won t be so bad after all and that they re actually unique. Now you re left with passing on the Version 1.0 gene pool to your children while everyone elseRead More Gene Therapy Essay4691 Words  | 19 PagesGene Therapy Gene therapy is a powerful new technology that has the ability to change the way medicine is practiced in the future. The potential of gene therapy offers great hope for cure and alleviation of suffering from genetic disorders that now plague numerous people. Within this past decade, much research has been conducted to learn about the aspects of gene therapy, but there is still much to learn before it is an effective medical treatment. Despite failures to prove any clinical efficacyRead MoreThe Beauty Of The Human Race Essay2180 Words  | 9 Pagesof years of evolutionary mutations. The number one cause of genetic diversity is mutations; mutations occur randomly and can produce beneficial or harmful nucleotide sequences. Nucleotide sequences code for the production of proteins that perform the majority of roles in our bodies. When harmful mutations halt protein production or cause malicious protein production, the body can be effected in numerous ways. The majority of disorders ex pressed by humans across the globe are genetic, meaning that theRead More Gene Therapy : Ethics, Progress, and Future Essay3339 Words  | 14 PagesThe Factor of Gene Therapy: the Ethics, Progress, and Future Abstract Erasing genetic diseases from the human race has been a vital role in science. However, there is a point where the moral standards have interrupted the advancement of curing genetic diseases. One of the many sciences that have the ability to completely wipe out the future of any genetic diseases, gene therapy, is being stifled due to the infliction of morals. There is a fine line in what is inhumane and moral to the standards
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Juveniles - 1016 Words
In our society today, millions of crimes are happening all around the world, with people dying, getting injured, and getting put in jail. Society is very cruel in some people’s eye, because of what happening in the world many people believed that many juveniles are being sentenced and tried unfairly in the court. Many believed that children as young as twelve should be treated differently than an adult who commit the same crime, but that’s not what’s happening today. Young children are not the same as an adult in many ways, so they should not be put in jail for life if they commit a crime. Nobody really deserve to be put into a jail for the rest of their life, especially a young kid. It is injustice to sentenced juveniles, who committed†¦show more content†¦As a result they would most likely be more violent than their old self. But if they are to put in juvenile facility and rehabilitation they will most likely learn from what they did and become a bette r version of themselves. It is not fair for a young children to be tried/convicted as an adult. Another important thing that is important when talking about juvenile crimes is about sentencing juveniles to life in prison. It is unfair for a young kid to suffer such a cruel punishment not knowing what they been to and what their reasons are for committing murder or some other crimes. We all need to look at every possible ways to help and find out why young kids commit crimes then based on that information should be a fair punishment. â€Å"What is clear from the research is that part of the frontal lobes that inhibit reckless actions restructure themselves with startling speed in the teen years. Given this delicate and drastic reshaping of the brain teens need all the help they can get to steer their development on the right path†(Thompson). According to the quote from the text, with many things going on and reshaping in teenage brain can result to many teenagers’s re ckless decisions. This is one reason why the Nation should not considered sentencing juveniles a lifetime in prison. Even everything that’s going on with teenage brain it doesn’t not remove their accountability for committing the crime, but it can be â€Å"used as an evidence that teenagersShow MoreRelatedJuveniles Tried In an Adult Court Essay1300 Words  | 6 Pagesthis country is divided into two groups when comparing juveniles and adults. One is the Adult Criminal Justice System, and the other is the Juvenile Justice System. The terminology can be very different between the two systems. For instance; if an adult is arrested, they will be subject to a bail hearing. If a juvenile is arrested they must go through a detention hearing. Adults have trials which can be decided by a judge or jury. Juveniles go through a fact finding hearing and don’t receive verdictsRead More French and American Criminal Justice Systems Essay1169 Words  | 5 Pagessimil arities, but I will be focusing on the differences between each of their systems. The aspects that I will be comparing are police, courts, the legal profession, legal education, criminal procedural law, corrections, and juvenile justice and the advantages and disadvantages of each. The policing system in France is a lot different than the one in the U.S. In France there is one big centralized police system run by the government. Unlike the fragmented police model, which is found in the UnitedRead MoreComparing France and Us Criminal Justice System Essay1190 Words  | 5 Pagessimilarities, but I will be focusing on the differences between each of their systems. The aspects that I will be comparing are police, courts, the legal profession, legal education, criminal procedural law, corrections, and juvenile justice and the advantages and disadvantages of each. The policing system in France is a lot different than the one in the U.S. In France there is one big centralized police system run by the government. Unlike the fragmented police model, which is found in the UnitedRead MoreEssay On Juveniles Should Be Tried As Adults949 Words  | 4 PagesKeigen S. Daniels Juvenile Delinquency October 20, 2017 Should Juveniles be Tried as Adults? Should juveniles be tried as adults? In some cases, I believe so. I believe they should be tried as adults if the murder someone. Other crimes they should be tried by the juvenile justice system. When deciding whether or not to try a juvenile as an adult for a particular crime, you need to know everything. Whether or not they have a psychological disadvantage, how they were raisedRead MoreJuvenile Court Essay1138 Words  | 5 PagesThe first juvenile court was established in Illinois in 1899. In the late 18th century children as young as seven could stand trial in criminal court and could be sentenced to prison or death. The perception of children was later changed and they were viewed as persons with undeveloped moral and cognitive capacities. This allowed the state of Illinois to intervene in the lives of children providing protection and care or supervision. The mission to help children in trouble was clearly stated in theRead MoreFederalism Is The Power Divided Between The Sta te And National Government1502 Words  | 7 Pagescomes to states making laws. Laws such as how old you need to be to be tried as an adult are decided by the state and some feel that it something as important as that law should be decided nationally, not by the state. Laws as important as when juveniles should be charged as adults are brought into question during cases like the Slender Man stabbing case. The Slender Man stabbing case is a crime that happened back in 2014 when two twelve year old girls tried to kill their classmate, Payton LeutnerRead MoreReducing Recidivism Rate Of Juvenile Offenders1241 Words  | 5 PagesReducing Juvenile Recidivism Jessica D. Pettit The University of Texas at Tyler Abstract This paper explores the factors that contribute to the recidivism rate of juvenile offenders. Recidivism refers to a person s relapse into criminal behavior, often after the person receives sanctions or undergoes intervention for a previous crime. It explains the advantages and disadvantages that intervention programs, extracurricular activities, education and home and family life have on juvenile offendersRead MoreFetal Alcohol Disorder Research Paper1227 Words  | 5 Pagesentering and being taken advantage of by the criminal justice system. FASD results in permanent physical damage to a variety of critical structures in the brain during fetal development, directly affecting neurological and behavioural tendencies in adolescents (Brown et al., 2015). Specifically, FASD may affect the development of the corpus callosum, a structure directly responsible for communication between the left and right brain hemispheres (Brown et al., 2015). A juvenile with damage to this structureRead MoreCriminal Crime : A Crime, Assault, Burglary, And Assault1476 Words  | 6 Pagesburglary, and attack†(Legal Dictionary). According to the Uniform Crime Report, property crime is number one of the crimes committed by persons under the age of 18. Property crime is also high in numbers for children age 15 and under. Although juveniles arrested for violent crimes have decreased from 2013 to 2014 by 3.8 percent, these crimes are still being committed (Uniform Crime Report, 2014). It is of society’s declaration that any individual who perpetrates a felony crime needs to be arraignedRead MoreThe Causes Of Juvenile Delinquency1172 Words  | 5 Pages Juvenile delinquents are children/adolescents that are between the ages of 10 and 18 and have committed any illegal act that violates the law. These acts arent usually referred to as â€Å"crimes†as they would be for adults. These â€Å"crimes†are committed by minors and are called â€Å"delinquent acts.†These delinquent acts are believed to be caused by a number of factors that include the minors brain development, environment and social interactions. Peer groups are a very strong influence that can cause
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Confirmation free essay sample
From the moment I was literally immersed into the Catholic faith, I have been growing closer to my community, family, and myself. Although my baptism was a decision I was unable to make for myself, I did choose to confirm my dedication to the Catholic Church as an adolescent. Aside from selecting my daily ensembles, my confirmation was my first big commitment; a decision that was mine soley, and completely. Since I was three years old, I had been attending Christian school. Day in and day out, I spent eight painfully long years through elementary and intermediate school, with the girls and boys of my parish. By the time I had reached the spring of my confirmation, I viewed these people as my family. It was a silent recognition between all of us that we were going to go through this experience together, just as we had spent our entire lives. We will write a custom essay sample on Confirmation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I can honestly say that this is the biggest sense of community I had felt in my whole life, which actually factored greatly into my decision making process. I never realized how much planning and consideration goes into confirmation. I spent well over a year taking religious education classes, and then there was also a required retreat for me to go on. All in all though, I know it made me a better person. I am proud of the steps I’ve taken to becoming more mature and responsible in my life choices.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Tragic Hero of Sophocles Antigone Antigone es Essay Example For Students
The Tragic Hero of Sophocles Antigone Antigone es Essay says The Tragic Hero of Antigone In Sophocles Antigone, the question of who the tragic hero actually is has been the subject of a debate for years. It is unlikely for there to be two tragic characters in a Greek tragedy, and there can be only one in the play Antigone. The king Creon possesses some of the qualities that constitute a tragic character, but does not have all of the necessary traits. Antigone, however, contains all of the aspects that are required for her to be the main character. According to Aristotles Poetics, there are four major traits, which are required of the tragic character. We will write a custom essay on The Tragic Hero of Sophocles Antigone Antigone es specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The character must be a good and upstanding person. The character must focus on becoming a better person, must be believable, and must be consistent in his or her behavior. Due to the fact that Antigone represents these four character guidelines, as well as several other protagonist traits, she can definitely be defined as the tragic hero. In order for Antigone to be the tragic character, she first must be a good and upstanding person. Antigone is indeed a good-hearted person and has committed no crime up to her decision to give her brother, Polynieces, a proper burial. There is no doubt that Antigone is upstanding and a person of importance in Thebes. She was scheduled to marry Haemon, the son of Creon, and was considered a princess. Aristotle stated that the aspect of a good person was first and most important when creating a tragic character. The fact that Antigone is a woman makes no difference, because Aristotle expressly said, Even a woman may be good.though the woman may be said to be an inferior being. Aristotles second rule for determining a tragic character is that the person must aim at propriety. The character must work towards becoming a better person. Antigone illustrates this second guideline by her effort to clear her conscious and bring honor to her family by giving Polynieces a decent burial. By taking this responsibility, and by denying Ismenes involvement in her crime, Antigone shows that she has acquired a greater courage within herself than she had possessed before. In no way does Creon comply with Aristotles second guideline. Throughout the play, he does not allow himself to see the point of view from other people, such as when Haemon tries to reason with him, and he neglects the blind prophet, Tiresias, when he warns Creon of his actions. The last two expectations of a tragic character are intertwined. According to Aristotle, the character must be true to life and be consistent in behavior and actions. He states that these two areas are a distinct thing from goodness and propriety. Following these two guidelines, Antigone is a believable person with realistic thoughts and emotions. She is also very consistent in her behavior, and does not demonstrate a dynamic personality. Throughout the entire play, Antigone stands by her beliefs and keeps her attitude constant. Besides the four major outlining rules regarding the tragic character in a Greek drama, Aristotle states several other guidelines that the protagonist should adhere to. Arguably the most important of these is the aspect of hamartia, the characters fatal flaw, which brings about his or her downfall. Antigones flaw was her headstrong behavior and her stubbornness, which ultimately brought about her demise and the demise of those around her. Her stubbornness of course, is what forces Antigone to rashly take matters in to her own hands, and take the body of Polynieces. She did not realize until she was about to die, that she had possibly acted foolishly. Antigone shared her flaw with Creon, who seemed to have an even more obstinate personality. It can be argued that it was Creons stubbornness that brought about the demise of his family, but this cannot justify Creon as the tragic character because he does not meet other necessary requirements. .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374 , .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374 .postImageUrl , .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374 , .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374:hover , .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374:visited , .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374:active { border:0!important; } .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374:active , .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374 .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua30cde10ee5a3d02b76340959e8d5374:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Memory System Problemsy EssayTo bring up the last point that defines Antigone as the true tragic character in Sophocles play, the protagonist must face a conflict in principles, and must rely on his self in order to solve the conflict. At the beginning of the play, Antigone immediately faces a problem; she must decide whether or not her morals are worth risking her life for. She is forced to decide between honoring the gods and her family or displaying loyalty to the state. The entire play is centered around this conflict between morals and Antigones final decision. A very confusing aspect of Sophocles play, Antigone, is discovering .
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